to build an ark


But not quite everyone.

In the city a gathering of politicians was growing like a culture of bacteria; (I should point out there are good bugs as well as bad bugs). For the last eight months governmental formats had been suspended in favour of a world party not unlike the United Nations. If any good could possibly be imagined from these dark days it was a unification of humanity at a leadership level. Two significant wars, one in the Middle East and another in the Balkans had simply fizzled out apathetically. What good is claiming another territory when like your own it is on the brink of extinction? Armies had not so much been made redundant but redirected to reinforcing police forces in tackling the anarchy, public disorder and insurrection of the initial reaction to the freezing of banks and business enterprises in the effort to stop the pollution causing ozone depletion, and redirecting manufacture to more important life preserving projects. But even anarchists soon came to realise that complaint and violence was futile in a society about to starve, burn, freeze, die, outcome as yet unknown, those that couldn't accept a world without money fled society. So unification at a public level soon grew, albeit servile, but in the cities and towns at least awaited instruction, and eager to work and serve for no more in wages than the basics of food, clothing, supplies, and power rations.
The leadership of this new structure was the Green Party, once the novelty joke party not far removed from the Monster Raving Loony Party, (the latter incidentally, did for a brief period win some leadership themselves, but relinquished it a few days later declaring that they weren't fit to govern as they were in fact what they had always claimed to be, totally mad). The Green Party however won leadership not only from electoral choice but quite simply because no other mainstream party wanted this unenviable, Herculean job of global restructure and resurrection from an almost certain doom, and most rival parties were quite happy, if not eager, to vote for the Greens themselves; it was indeed an election that never took place, and with an irony that few noticed, the paper saved from voting slips and administration would have contributed in at least some small way to saving what little was left of the tree population.
The Greens did embrace the task in hand with gusto, and after a few shaky days of an 'I told you so' attitude with others, got down to what they'd always wanted to do, save the planet. It would've been too easy, and a fruitless attitude anyway, to start spouting 'ten years earlier maybe, but now it's all too late,' but a ballsy, no nonsense, head strong leader of the Greens, who preferred to dispense with grandiose titles and be known simply as D, had both vision and determination.

"People, I address you all today with a heavy heart. Blue Project has been working tirelessly and relentlessly for several months now, to try and affect repair of our severely damaged ozone layer. Success has been great it can be claimed, ozone is being created, and, most importantly, is reaching the stratosphere, but at an insufficient level to have any reparative effect. We are pouring water into a leaky bucket. Our total manufacturing scale would be something like a factory akin to the size of Paris, what we need is a factory the size of France.

"However, all… is not lost, we will soon be implementing Plan B, and this is why I have called this assemble and why my heart is heavy. We must prioritize and localise. It is no longer a viable possibility to save our world, what I must now put to the House is plans to save, part… of the planet, and, part… of humanity..." There was a long and silent pause from the speaker. "In long and painful consultations with my Blue Project staff, I now sadly must announce, - and this will of course be open for discussion and debate, nothing as yet is written in stone, but, as we all know, time is of the essence, and I think a conclusion must be reached today, - to save part… of both humanity and the planet, and by planet I include both the flora and the fauna… that are left, it will be necessary to choose… some… of our children, and a select few adults to guide them.
"I was hoping, under this dire predicament, that we could manage two or even three percent of global population, but even that would be both optimistic and ambitious, and to stretch that far would jeopardise success. It is therefore proposed, that sixty children and ten adults, from every country, should be relocated on an ocean island yet to be chosen, with as many animals, seedlings, portable plant, vegetable, fruit and tree life… and to construct an artificial protective double canopy around this island, and fill its upper layer with ozone at a safe and controlled height, in the hope that current weather conditions, will abate with time, and a world fit for habitation will await them in months, years, decades, whatever may be.
"And in an effort to maximise basic resources, food and water, power, clean air, for these children, these future leaders of humanity, all our resources must go with them, it is therefore necessary for the rest of humanity… to be humanely culled."
An audible gasp of disbelief ran through the large hall. Several members tried to object but failed to coordinate speech and breathing sufficiently. Disbelief was rapidly followed by horror and outrage, and then pandemonium, many shouting their objections hysterically.
"Please… please… please. People, some order, please." But pandemonium was quickly becoming bedlam. Security was introduced to settle the anguished politicians and slowly, eventually, panic became complaint, and complaint became reality, and reality returned them to disbelief and finally numbness, as members returned to their seats no longer thinking of outrage or objection, but their loved ones, their partners, relatives, but most of all, their children.
"Please, if we had an alternative, but do believe me, every sensible, practical, and even some impractical options, have been tried and tested again and again. The hard reality is, we have destroyed this planet, and what we have turned it into, is now destroying us, quite simply fighting back, in an effort that 'it' itself can maybe survive the ravages we have inflicted upon it; we have raped this planet, it was arrogant to believe we could escape sentence, the hangman cometh.
"I do not take these steps lightly, desperate problems require desperate solutions, and in the next few hours I hope we can find a better one. But I think we all know by now, the true reality of our methods past, we had so many warnings at the end of the last century, and the beginning of this one, and we chose to ignore them, instead passed them on to successive governments who did the same. But this is not the time to proportion blame, but to embrace the harsh future, and either perish, or construct some minimal solution.
"I propose, that within this meeting, tough decisions should be made by all of us, logistics will be set up to implement Plan B. The best young minds need to be tallied; the best leaders for these children need to be chosen, and with a very slim success possibility, the macrocosm of planet earth needs to be relocated to the microcosm of island earth; Genesis version two begins. May our Gods, and Mother Nature, be generous to us, for I'm not sure if we deserve a second chance, if we do get one, let's get it right this time. The House is open to debate."

The House was open to debate, but what could one say? All over the vast chamber faces were blank, stunned, drained, bewildered, faced with the end of more than ninety nine percent of global humanity, wanting to scream 'No' but empty of options. One lost soul did say it, but in a whisper. And after four minutes of painful silence one empty politician rose to his feet.
"How do we choose the few who live?"
"Tentative proposals suggest the best method would be not just the children with the highest IQs but a good cross section of diverse talents. The adult minders should be from education and medical backgrounds, it is expected such upheaval and responsibility levelled on such young shoulders cannot fail but to produce some psychological trauma by such immediate removal from their families. The future depends on them, creation of a new world will need to be thought out, these children will need to show academic inclinations towards science, architecture and construction, management, medical care, agriculture, future education and care of their own children, all religions and faiths need to be catered for, all this has to be reflected in their young minds."
"How will such a mass cull of the world… no, let me rephrase, how will such a mass murder of humanity be implemented? And what is the expected reaction by the populous? How do we police the madness that will inevitably unfold?"
"I sympathise with your anger, believe me, I wish there were alternatives, however, there are none available to us. We do this to save humanity, not to destroy it. In answer to your question, it is proposed there will be three stages of termination, voluntary, advisory and mandatory. It is proposed that suicide pills should be distributed and at a fixed time of celebration, and I am advised that if this event is heralded as the celebratory dawn of a new era rather than the end of an old, such belief will make the cull, in some small but necessary way, less drastic and more acceptable, tragic and callous as that may sound. Rebellion and anarchy are expected, they will be allowed to run riot outside the secure areas, after all, what more damage can be done? Then security force mediators will advise them once more of their requirements and it is anticipated that common sense will prevail, and they will follow the directives. Finally mandatory culling will follow, much as such a statement abhors and revolts me, security forces will exterminate, by whatever methods are deemed appropriate, all that are left. Following this, all members of governments and security will take their pills. Anyone at any level that escapes termination will have a much more painful and prolonged death."
There was a very long silence.
"How do we tell them?"
"We are still in radio communication with most parts of the world. The proposals have already been relayed to the authorities there. Different faiths and religions obviously have to approach their Gods and leaders as this may well contradict all they believe in and hold holy, and they only have a few days to embrace this new directive. When the children and guides are chosen, and the construction of their new island is under way, and the scientists and engineers doing this are happy they have all the materials required for successful completion, the Genesis children will be delivered under complete secrecy.
"It is proposed that reaction to the cull be tested locally at this city. If this motion is passed, the announcement will be made later today and people will be given forty eight hours to make arrangements with loved ones and faiths. The drugs will be distributed. I have said time is running out, I am however being economical with the truth here, time is out, time has gone, world resources are running on empty. I cannot stress the importance of a speedy implementation of this."
One very sombre and painfully slow deliberate man stood up to address not so much the House, but its leader. "I, have one simple question… no, let's make it two. These are dark, and it would appear final days, I would like to know if the leader of this morbid, grey gathering, who, so very… individually, has condemned us all to death, and in fact almost everyone else, will be going to this… ludicrous Genesis island, which in my humble opinion, is the stuff of science fiction? And the second part of my query is… will any of the Greens be going too?"
A murmur of disorder rumbled through the House before the leader stood up to reply.
"Before I answer, I should point out, that in doing nothing, we are all going to inevitably die, and I don't mean from old age, which I believe the speaker realises, only too well. As to the question, my answer is an emphatic no, I will be terminating my life too, and possibly one of the last to go, but go I will, as will almost definitely all in this House. We have fulfilled our long hard days, and our jobs will be done, the future, if there is a future, will be for the young. None of my party, at a political level, will be going either, however, seven, possibly eight, Blue Project scientists, to be chosen globally, will be sent to the island to construct the ozone filled canopy. I have put this to them recently, for them to apply for these scarce posts, and with great pride and humility, I must tell the House, they all chose to work on at a local level, until the very end, unless ordered by me otherwise.
"Is there any more questions or suggestions?" asked D, "I think we should retire for deliberations soon."
"Yes. I have a question," shouted a loud boisterous voice from the back of the room. "I have a query on the proportions. This eh…" he hesitated constructing the words in his head, "weighting, for want of a better word, of sixty children and ten adults I believe the figures were, correct me if I'm wrong, is rather impractical in my view. When one thinks of the might and size of a country such as the U.S.A., and another; and with no disrespect may I please add, of a country such as say Cameroon; and I do sincerely apologise to whichever gentleman represents this country, it is just a random choice for a comparison; but surely it would be madness that these child proportions should be equal? Would it therefore not be more logical, to have a more proportional representation of the present world, with child numbers selected from each geographical area reflected by its population and global status?"
Again a rumble of discontent ran round the room.
"Had the speaker taken the time to look beyond his nose he would in fact have observed Cameroon's representative is female. However, in answer to your proposal, this idea was considered initially, but the equality option proved to be more… not so much attractive or popular or favourable, all very practical and descriptive words, but the one best word suitable to describe how we felt about it, was beautiful."
"All very honourable and admirable and gorgeous," was the quick response from the same loud voice from the back, "but perhaps, realistic, responsible, workable, would have been better adjectives to consider, when creating this 'Brave New World,' this Utopia; and it should be noted, Aldous Huxley's book did not paint such a beautiful picture. I would propose, a more constructive and functional solution, one that will not be favourable with the House, but, with days to live I am certainly not here to make any new friends, I propose, that in the interests of success, and with the all too real lessons that history continually reminds us of… that the Genesis children should ALL be white and Christian, and a single denomination Christianity, AND if time and tests allow, heterosexually inclined."
To say the House exploded would be an understatement. People were off their seats brandishing abuse verbally, and almost like schoolchildren, physically, as they protested with anything at hand. Security stepped forward but was given no order to arrest the situation, instead the fury was left to continue its natural course, and as abuse slowly ebbed away, sanity and realisation of occasion returned, and they angrily sat down still muttering. D waited for silence, and then prolonged it before speaking, more for composure than effect.
"And all of them blue eyed blonds?
"It would be too easy, and… rude of me, to call this attitude Hitlerian, and I would prefer no one else did. I do realise the pains of history, the intolerances of humanity, and the ugliness of apartheid, sectarianism, oppression, racism, sexism, the list is unfortunately, almost endless. So I do know where this attitude, this proposal, is coming from, abhorrent as it may be to most of us here, it is indeed a very practical, workable and safe option. But, it is not a very… human option.
"We have an opportunity ahead of us, not just to right the political and scientific mistakes made by our predecessors, but the human and social mistakes made too. We have a second chance. We do not have time, for a third, or alternative chance. I therefore propose, we put Blue Project Plan B, or as some seem to have adopted, the Genesis Island, to a vote, a show of hands, and if passed, implemented as quickly as possible. I cannot emphasise enough how little time is left, according to my advisors.
"And if it is not passed, then I and my party must stand down, and may God have mercy on our souls; I do not state this for effect."
Blue Project Plan B was passed almost unanimously. The House was recessed for one hour while rapid arrangements were put into operation. Governments around the world were notified of their duties, the selection process, but not the culling of humanity, this was immediately implemented locally, and reactions were a lot more subdued than expected.

"Is anyone making alcohol, legally or illegally, I care not which?" was all that could be asked by a leader emotionally drained.
"I'm not sure," was the secretary's reply, "I'll look into it. I doubt if there's much more available than a basic medical alcohol, and that would be more for rubbing that consumption."
"It was a rhetorical question John, forget it. How are things moving along?"
"World governments have replied and Genesis is moving at a steady rate, there have been some selection queries and they have been answered, in fact almost every government queried the selection methods. Local plans for culling have been released publicly and reaction has been numb and sober to say the least. People are gathering outside but not in protest of a verbal or violent kind, it almost seems like they're saying, 'Look at us. We're real. Do you know what you're suggesting?' They just stand outside as if they want to be counted."
"I will address them shortly," was the heavy, almost deathly reply.
"Do you think that is wise?" John queried.
"I have passed sentence, what is worse than that? I have a duty to my electorate however painful and unpleasant, but I think, I hope, they realise that mine and all our hands are tied. If only there was another way."

Rested, the House was due to resume. Politicians were gathering, no longer like a culture of bacteria, but a colony of worker ants, busy with purpose, and ready for self sacrifice, for the queen's survival, Mother Earth, a feeling of purpose was brewing, a job was at hand, undoubtedly the most important of jobs since Noah, and they were part of it.
"Ask them to wait; I need ten or so minutes. I need to know the thoughts and feelings at public level."
"Not without security," insisted the secretary.
"Definitely without security, I am not above their opinions. I am no more important than they are."
Not a lot was said. There was no immediate response from the throng. Just a quiet resignation, everyone knew it was the only option available, you die and save a chosen few, or everyone dies, life for some time now had been frugal.
"Take my boy, he's very bright," called out a desperate mother.
"I'm sorry; selection is out of my hands. A cross section of children is being compiled from education files, it is fair, varied and secret, other than random it is the only right method, and random cannot guarantee success. I wish there was more I could do for you, we have worked relentlessly for several months now, this raging planet has beaten the best scientific minds available. Almost all is lost. Please forgive me for these awful decisions I have been forced into, have forced upon you. I wish there was another way."
Some turned and walked away slowly. Some prayed, others nodded, for they knew no malice was intended. It was another dark step in humanity's long and problematic history. An old man and a boy stepped forward.
"I'm sorry sir. My hands are tied, I don't make the selections."
"It's ok, he understands. He's a smart precocious boy. He just wanted to meet you, see a world leader. As for me I would gladly end my life this very moment if it could help arrest this desperate situation. Who knows? Maybe his name will come up in the selection, I'm positive he's eligible but to select so few from so many, it's a small hope indeed. Really, we have no ulterior motives here; he really did just want to say 'Hello.'"
"What's your name child?"
"Zak," was the hesitant reply in awe more than anything, "I just wanted to meet such an important person on my birthday."
"To tell you the truth I really don't feel that important today, quite the opposite. I hope you are having as nice a birthday as is possible; I'm sorry if all my… commands have overshadowed your celebrations, as you know these are bad times we live in. What age are you Zak?"
"Is there anything I can give you for your birthday? I don't have much in the way of possessions with me, to be honest I've been too busy for such things, but I promise if anything you want is available you can have it."
The boy hesitated and glanced at his Grandfather, who in returned nodded, "If it were at all possible, and not too much trouble, I'd like to see a rainbow."
The world's leader, decider of all humanity's fate, was dumbstruck, and it took several seconds to compose a reply, "Oh sweet child I've been so lost. For a few moments I thought rainbows were the stuff of fairies and unicorns. I have forgotten all that is beautiful in this world in the pursuit of my heavy objective."
And with one simple request a small boy had brought a great world leader, probably the most important leader in history, quite literally, to her knees. "Oh my good Jesus," she sighed, "how could I ever have considered destroying anything so beautiful? Could you please give a silly woman a big hug? I've been so very busy I've lost sight of what's important."
And outside the great doors of power, in a crowd of ordinary people, without security guards or police, a small boy and world leader embraced unashamedly, and the imminent course of history was changed.
"If I can make you a rainbow will you look after it?" she asked. Zak promised he would. "I then make you the honorary guardian of rainbows. Now if you will forgive me, I've an awful lot of work to do, and undo."
She stood up, and looked at the crowd all around. "I promise, I will do everything I can, and if at all possible, everything that up to now cannot. I will not rest till this destruction is stopped." She turned to Zak's Grandfather and paused searching his face. "I suspect there's more behind those eyes than you let on. I thank you, and hopefully in time the world will thank you."
"It just did," was his quiet unassuming reply.


4. of fairies and unicorns